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Reasons for cracking of PC sunlight plate

Time:2022-01-25 16:05Sentiment:

The internal stress in PC solar panels is formed in the process of extrusion molding and cooling shaping, and they will experience a stress relaxation effect in the process of placement or use when their shape is basically unchanged, partially eliminating these applied forces. However, it is difficult to completely eliminate these stresses for PC solar panels that only experience limited relaxation, and still retain a large internal stress, and then superimpose the external stress generated in use.

If the stress is too large, the local deformation area of the surface layer will be generated and close to the surface, from which vulnerable points (small cracks, cracks) will appear. Therefore, based on the above theoretical analysis of polymer physics, we must avoid those incorrect or excessive external stresses in application.


1、 During transportation and storage, properly pad, package and lay flat, because any slight damage (such as scratch) on the surface of the plate will develop into a crack. And it is not allowed to store the plate in the same place with other chemicals, because volatiles will cause chemical stress cracking on the surface of the plate. The same shall be done for plates to be installed on the construction site.

2、 No matter what type of processing, the cutting tools or tools shall not cause any damage to the non processing parts of the plate, and the cut shall be smooth. Because minor damage can also lead to severe cracking.

3、 The protective film must not be damaged or removed before installation to avoid scratching the surface.

4、 It is not allowed to nail the plate directly on the skeleton, otherwise, high stress will be generated due to the expansion of the plate and the perforation edge will be damaged. Select the sealant and sealant pad suitable for PC sunlight plate plastic. Wet sealant paste shall be used in the wet assembly system. Generally, it is recommended to use polysiloxane adhesive for wet assembly of PC boards, but special attention should be paid to the chemical adaptability of the adhesive before use. It is not allowed to use amino, phenylamino or methoxy curing agents to cure polysiloxane adhesive, because these curing agents will cause cracking of the board, especially when there is internal stress. Never use PVC as the sealing gasket, because the plasticizer in PVC will precipitate and corrode the board, resulting in cracking and even damaging the whole board.
